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Headache Impact Questionnaire (HImQ)
Please email the authors for information about obtaining the instrument:
Exploratory: Headache
Short Description of Instrument
The Headache Impact Questionnaire (HImQ) is a 16-item; self-administered questionnaire used to measure pain and activity limitations from headache, though not specifically migraine, over a 3-month recall period. It includes headache duration, last headache, pain intensity (two questions), need for bed rest (two questions), disability in specific domains of activity (seven questions about interference with ability to work, do household chores, and engage in non-work activity), and symptoms (two questions). This instrument was developed to capture information about pain and headache-related disability to help doctors and patients evaluate the impact of headache on the individual's daily life. Headache-related disability is expressed as hours or days of lost productivity and functioning. This instrument is most appropriate for a study in which the impact of the intervention is tested over a prolonged period of time.

The HImQ score is derived from eight items and is the sum of average pain intensity (on a scale of 0 to 10) and total lost days in all three domains of activity (work for pay, housework, and nonwork activity). Reduced effectiveness day equivalents are also considered. Score calculation involves both addition and multiplication.

Gagne JJ, Leas B, Lofland JH, Goldfarb N, Freitag F, Silberstein S. Quality of care measures for migraine: a comprehensive review. School of Population Health Faculty Papers. Paper 39. 2007.
Stewart WF, Lipton RB, Simon D, Korff MV, Liberman J. 1998. Reliability of Illness Severity Measure for Headache in a Population sample of Migraine Sufferers.


Document last updated March 2018